

The Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Canada (IRCC) recently invited various candidates through the express entry system in their latest draw. On 2nd February 2021, Ontario invited a large number of candidates to apply for a provincial nomination which directly helps in getting an express entry visa. The minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score required is about 466-467. Anyone with a score less than this won’t be lucky enough to get into Ontario through this programme. What is an express entry system? It is a system wherein an applicant can get permanent residency for Canada. Basically, a pathway which leads to the gate of becoming a permanent resident. There are three types of federal immigration programs under the express entry management system and an applicant can become eligible for any one of these,

  1. Federal Skilled Workers Program (FSWP)
  2. Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
  3. Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
Once the applicant’s score matches the minimum required score by Ontario, more points are added to their application depending on their human capital factors which are age, education, work experience, language ability in English or French.   Currently Ontario has prioritised the Human Capital Streams which are listed below,  
  • Banking, credit and other investment managers (NOC 0122);
  • Advertising, marketing and public relations managers (NOC 0124);
  • Other business services managers (NOC 0125);
  • Corporate sales managers (NOC 0601);
  • Financial auditors and accountants (NOC 1111);
  • Financial and investment analysts (NOC 1112);
  • Human resources professionals (NOC 1121);
  • Professional occupations in business management consulting (NOC 1122);
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses (NOC 3012); and
  • Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants (NOC 4163)
The candidates who have at least one year of work experience in the above mentioned fields are being selected on a priority basis and this latest Ontario Provincial Nominee Program draw specifically focuses on selecting the candidates who can contribute to the human capital formation of canada.  One of the biggest benefits of getting a provincial nomination is the additional 600 points. Yes, you read that right. Once an applicant gets nominated through this Ontario Provincial Nomination scheme, they get 600 extra points in their express entry application. If a person scores minimum of 466-467 points plus they get the nomination through the province and gets these additional 600 points we just mentioned, he/she becomes fairly eligible and an Invitation to Apply (ITA) is filed for them for the Canadian Permanent Residency in a federal express entry draw.    for more knowledge on this topic, stay tuned with us.